2019 Perth Husqvarna Quindanning Day Night Enduro


It’s back! The Perth Husqvarna Quindanning Day Night Enduro is on again at Jumbo’s Farm.

Racing from 6pm Saturday, camp the night and race again Sunday!
Free Bush Camping.
Toilets. Hot Shower for a Gold Coin.
PLUS Prize Giveaways from Perth Husqvarna!

You do not need a B class licensed bike to enter – But you will need a headlight for the night section of the race. It’s always a great event for those who ride, so get your entries in today!

Please note this is a closed to club event – so you will need to be a member of Trail & Enduro Club of WA.



Entries close midnight Tuesday 16th July 2019.

[firstbox]Supplementary Regukations – Quindanning-Night-Day-2019[/firstbox]

[firstbox]CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE EVENT[/firstbox]

2019 Annual General Meeting

Wednesday 17th July 2019 – 7.30pm
Belmont Sports and Recreation Centre

The Annual General Meeting is being held at 7.30pm on Wednesday, 17th July 2019 at the Belmont Sports and Recreation Centre, Abernethy Road.
This is your chance to vote and have your say. We encourage your attendance. All Positions are open for nominations.
We are calling on club members to nominate themselves or another club member for any of the below positions.
Please send your nominations prior to Tuesday 16th July 2019.
All Nominees will be contacted to accept or decline their nomination.

You must be a current financial member to nominate or vote.

Nominations will be announced at the AGM and voting will then take place by a ballot vote or a show of hands.
We encourage members to attend as it is our committee members who will ultimately decide how the club is run over the following year.
No proxy votes will be accepted, you must be present at the meeting and a current member to vote.
The following positions are open for nomination; please click here to nominate online or email secretary@trailandenduro.com.au


The patron shall have no official responsibility but shall assist the club to the best of his/her ability. The patron may attend any meeting or social function should they so desire. The terms of office of patron is for a period of no more than three (3) years at which time re-election is the perogative of the club at an annual general meeting.

The President shall preside at all meetings and social functions and generally carry out the duties as the chairperson and give rulings when required. He shall have the same right to speak on any question under discussion as any other member. He shall have a deliberative vote and a casting vote. The president shall have full power to expel a member from such meeting should he deem it necessary and should be only subject to the decisions of the executive duly convened. He shall enforce this constitution and rules and see that the duties of other office bearers are properly performed. The president, in conjunction with the secretary or treasurer is authorised to transact the banking procedure of the club.

One vice president will be elected, and will act in the capacity of president in the president’s absence.

The secretary shall act as executive officer of the club and conduct the affairs of the club under the direction of the executive. He shall have the power to convene all meetings, maintain an accurate minute of all meetings and conduct all correspondence under direction of the executive and on behalf of the club. He shall keep a list of all office bearers and their date of election. The secretary shall be an exofficio member on all committees and subcommittees. The secretary, in conjunction with the president or treasurer have the power to act for the club in banking transactions.

The treasurer shall receive members fees and any other monies due to the club. They will issue official receipts for same, and pay all monies into the bank in the club’s name, keeping a record of trust accounts and a current account for normal business. All cheques for payment must be signed by any two of the treasurer, secretary and president. They shall produce a statement of receipts and expenditure to every general meeting. They shall also present a statement of receipts and payments, together with a balance sheet, duly audited by the club’s auditor at the annual general meeting. They shall keep a register of all financial members together with the members addresses.

Shall keep an accurate record of all club properties together with their current location and shall provide such record to the secretary for inclusion in the Annual General Meeting financial statement.

Shall be a financial member as elected who shall be responsible to the competitions committee for the maintenance of an accurate progressive points score for club championship series and shall work In liaison with the secretary to ensure eligibility of all persons competing.

The competitions committee shall consist of no less than four (4) members. The competitions committee shall elect its own chairperson and shall be responsible for the arrangement of all sporting events as decided upon by the members of the club, and will work in conjunction with the executive committee.

The Social Secretary will be responsible for arranging and conducting all social events as may be decided by the Club. The Social Secretary shall report to the Executive on all relevant plans, developments and results

Association (W.A.M.A.) Delegates
The association delegates shall comprise of two (2) elected members plus one (1) emergency delegate and will represent the club members on the WAMA
council and shall attend all W.A.M.A. meetings. In the absence of one (1) delegate then the emergency delegate shall take his place and have the full powers of an ordinary delegate. The delegates at all times will act in the club’s best interests in all matters. They shall not be empowered to vote expenditure from club funds without reference to the members at a general meeting. In replacing a delegate the claims of the existing emergency delegate shall be considered.

The membership officer will issue the membership cards and deal with membership enquiries. The membership officer will report the membership data to the executive committee each month.

Up to three (3) publicity officers may be elected by the club. They shall conduct the publicity of the club in cooperation with the club secretary, keeping in close touch with motoring journals and other news media. They shall arrange publicity plans for all competitions and social functions of the club to which they are delegated.They shall liaise with advertisers and advertising agents in any media requirement and inform the media generally as to results of club activities. No matters of club policy shall be in any way discussed with the news media unless prior approval has been given by the executive. The publicity officers shall publish news for internal club circulation on no greater intervals than three (3) months.

May be elected at any General Meeting subject to the following conditions;
– Members of One Year’s Membership, in good standing, who have rendered signal service to the club
i) Life members may be elected at an AGM by 90% majority vote.
ii) Life Members shall employ all the rights accorded a senior active member

2019 Bunbury City Motorcycles Enduro – State Round 4 CAPEL

Date: Sunday 30 June 2019

Location: Goodwood Rd, Capel (Details of Location will be provided on entry)

Rd 4 State Championship
Rd 3 T & E Club Enduro Championship
Rd 4 Off Road Championship

Entries with One Event Bike Rego Permit close Monday 17th June 2019

Other Entries close Tuesday 10:00pm 25th June 2019

Camping, only toilets provided.
Catering; Bacon & Egg burgers breakfast and Sausage sizzle  lunch available.
Coffee Van will be on site for both Saturday and Sunday.

Please note there will be no trail class for this event, if you would like to enter the Capel 200 on Saturday 29th June 2019 – click here

Please ensure you have read the Supplementary Regulations before entering the event or before contacting the event contacts.

For course inquiries please contact Mario Milos – marionkim@westnet.com.au

For administration inquiries please contact Lynne Makin – almak@iinet.net.au


[firstbox]CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE EVENT[/firstbox]