The Trail and Enduro Club of WA is run solely by dedicated volunteers, many of whom do not even ride themselves. We need your help to continue the success of the Club.

There are various volunteer roles that are required to run the Club no matter what your experience and whether you are riding events or not. As the saying goes, many hands make light work.

If you are unsure about any of the roles, we have experienced volunteers who can help you along the way. You can register your details below or come along to our Committee Meetings held on the first Wednesday of every month 7.30pm at the Mt Lawley Sportsman Association.


Event Organiser – Are you interested in taking on the role of event organiser? As event organiser your role is to lead the team, working with officials, land owners and volunteers. You are not on your own and experienced members are there to help.

Event Organiser Assistant – Would you like to be an event organiser but feel you don’t have enough experience? Assist one of our event organisers and learn along the way.

Signing/Marking Track – Signing an Enduro Track will require you to supply your own bike and fuel, the club will supply the staples and staple guns. Tests and Natural Terrains don’t require a bike but you may require skills with a hammer to place the posts in place.

De-signing – Taking Place the Day after or the Weekend After the Event. As most land is held on private land and DEC land it is a requirement to remove all signage (including paper arrows).

Scoring / Timing – Aside from our Rallies, our events are run competitively and require timing/scoring. Scoring and Timing is easy and no prior skills are necessary. Even if you are only able to spare a few hours on the day of racing we have a team of experience scorers and timers that can help you.

Rider Registration – All riders are required to sign on at the beginning of the Event. This role can be done by a rider or non-rider. It only requires approx. an hour of your time.

Control Check Points (Enduros) – Our Enduro events require a number of volunteers to help “check off” riders as they come through their timed sections. Generally Control Check Points are located near the Parc Ferme and Remote.

Scrutineering – Assisting the Head Scrutineer, a knowledge of bike requirements is desirable or you may be able to assist by checking off the marked bikes.

Flag Marshall (Natural Terrain) – Morning or Afternoon Shift – training provided. Get close to the action!

Event Set Up – Quickshades/Transponder Loops/Control Points/Road Signs all need to be set up on the day before and morning before. Sparing a few hours can reduce the stress on the organisers.

Event Pack Up – Collecting Bunting, Packing Up Club Track, Collecting Transponders, Collecting Rubbish, Taking Down Signage

Committee Member – The AGM is held in July every year and also marks the opportunity to nominate and elect new members for the club committee. Positions available include – President / Vice President / Secretary / Membership Officer / Competition Committee / Treasurer plus more. Remember to step forward when nominations are being taken.

Official – Are you a qualified Official and would like to assist at events in order to increase to the next level? Or are you interested in becoming an official?
Click Here to View MWA’s Upcoming Officials Course Dates


Please complete the below form to register as a volunteer with the Trail & Enduro Club

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